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A delicious miracle food packed with fiber and low in calories


The next big thing in plant-based foods

We have started working with a fruit called Jackfruit. It is the largest fruit in the world growing in tropical and subtropical regions and it has incredible potential to be used as meat substitution. It is considered the new miracle food and due to its fibrous texture and ability to absorb flavors well it makes the jackfruit the holy grail of meat substitutes.

high level of dietary fiber

low in calories

fat free

zero bad cholesterol

vitamin A and C 

calcium and potassium



folic acid

Jackfruit, a crop inherently friendly to farmers, remains largely under-commercialized, resulting in significant wastage. Our mission is to change this narrative by spearheading the commercialization of jackfruit, specifically in Kenya, and thereby generating value for farmers and their communities. Through the development of a robust value chain in Kenya, we are committed to ethically and sustainably sourcing jackfruit, aiming to uplift the livelihoods of countless farmers.

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A little about us

Originating from Denmark, the team comprises three individuals who have recognized the remarkable potential of Jackfruit, a fruit abundant in select regions of East Africa. By combining our businesses to connect East Africa to Denmark and wider Europe we have come together to create a unique project aiming at sourcing jackfruit from farmers in East Africa in an ethical and sustainable manner while providing a plant-based alternative to meat to the growing demand for plant-based solutions in Europe.

Over the past decade, each of us have been deeply involved in various food projects, diligently building and fortifying inclusive value chains in East Africa through close collaboration with farmers. Learn more about the businesses we represent here:


Regenerative agriculture

The highly productive jackfruit tree benefits farmers by yielding up to 200 fruits per tree, supporting their livelihoods.

The jackfruit tree is naturally drought and pest-resistant, it requires no artificial irrigation, pesticides, or herbicides to thrive. 

It’s a perennial tree crop which means it doesn’t need to be replanted each year. Hence it is more viable for farmers to plant additional trees for future investment in their supply chain.

It is great for intercropping. Jackfruit is a shade crop and can be intergrown with other crops to provide shade and create a regenerative eco-system, which means there are opportunities for farmers to grow secondary crops that will not only increase their revenues but also enrich the soil by replacing nutrients.


The tree also supports an array of wildlife such as insects, birds, reptiles and more.

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